Saturday 2 February 2013

Thoughts on EVE

Recently, I've started playing EVE Online, a MMORPG set in space. I think that it's an amazing game, however it gets a lot of flak from those who prefer more exciting games. I can see why people would dislike EVE but that doesn't make it a bad game.

For those who don't know about it, allow me to give you a quick summary:
EVE Online is set far in the future when humans have mastered interstellar travel. Four main races hold control over the galaxy and its solar systems; Amarr, Caldari, Gallente and Minmatar.
Gameplay is quite interesting. You take control of a spaceship and fly around the galaxy, mining and fighting. Most of the time, players sit around working out what to do next, or hanging around asteroids while their ship mines ore.

The beauty of it, however, is the lack of rules. Stealing from players and attacking other ships isn't regulated, so players are allowed to become criminals or to bring those criminals to justice.
At the time of writing, the corporation (sort of like a guild) which I am a part of is at war with another group, which means I can't leave this space station without being attacked.

EVE revolves around tactics and organization rather than brute force, which is why I suspect many people don't like it. It requires a certain mindset to play. Not to mention the interface. If you're going to play, you had best like menus!

At the other end of the scale, player battles occasionally reach legendary proportions. The most recent of these was the Battle of Asakai. Over 2,800 players took part in this epic confrontation.
Here's a video which was taken of the battle (go full screen, 1080p):

As you can see, it looks REALLY complicated.

Well, that's all I can be bothered to say on the matter right now. I shall post again soon!

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