Saturday 11 May 2013

Web Week 11

Finally, we are at our last required blog post, where we will look back at the Analytics gathered since it began.

First, lets look at some graphs:
According to Google Analytics, my blog received 230 page views from 85 unique visitors since analytics was introduced. However, some of these views came from myself.

Analytics also shows where my views came from. Most people were viewing the page from Ireland, however there were a small number of views from places like the USA and Slovakia. The links which bring people to my blog are also provided. Many viewers made it to my page from the link Colin Mannings blog, but a few made it to my blog from a link I posted on Tumblr.

To conclude, the information I posted on my blog wasn't of much use to anyone, except the people in the course.

Well, I guess this is it. I have nothing else to say on the matter. Web Publishing has been a fun and interesting module. I hope I pass it so I can continue my Web Dev Adventures!

P.S. I'm not sure if I'll post anything else after this, I suppose we'll have to wait and see.