Monday, 29 April 2013

Web week 10

During the lectures this week, we went over Google Analytics and the sort of information it provides.
We didn't have a second lecture this week because our lecturer had a meeting to attend.

In the labs we finished off Assignment 2 and worked on our essays for Assignment 3.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Web Week 9

During the classes this week we learned about video encoding and podcasts.

Videos are just a sequence of images displayed very quickly. Because of this, videos have to be compressed or else the files are huge. The two types of compression used are Inter-frame and Intra-frame Compression.

Inter-frame compression involves the changes between frames. if two or more frames have very little change between them, the video will copy the parts that do not change between frames. This system also makes use of frames that have not been displayed yet.

Intra-frame compression changes a single frame and reduces its file size.

During the second lecture we took a look at podcasts. We discussed the history of podcasts and how they came into being. Colin showed us how iTunes can be a great resource to find podcasts for almost any subject.

During the labs this week we worked on our blogs and essays. Colin suggested that we work on the peer review system on

Monday, 8 April 2013

Web Week 8

This week in web development we went over dithering again and learned about the difference between different image formats.

GIFs are mainly used for images with very few colours like company logos. GIFs can also be animated.
JPEGs are used for natural, colourful images.
PNGs are lossless files so they lose no quality during editing. This means they are larger than other files.

During the labs we just worked on our blogs or the third assignment.